Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry's Custody Battle Gets Seriously Nasty

Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry's Custody Battle Gets Seriously Nasty

Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry's custody battle for their 2-year-old daughter Nahla just got uglier. A former friend and business partner of Aubry tells People, "Once they broke up he became verbally threatening to Halle. He is a vindictive guy."

Another source claims that the 35-year-old model went so far as to use a racial slur against the Academy Award winning actress. "That's just unacceptable," a source close to Berry, 44, says. The star has candidly spoken about her previous history with domestic abuse and how witnessing her father’s mistreatment of her mother "damaged" her even into her adult life.

Berry's rep adds, "The only reason Gabriel is seeing Nahla right now is because the court hasn't made a decision yet. If it were up to Halle, he wouldn't be seeing her at all without some sort of supervision."

On Monday, the Monster's Ball star's representative said that Berry has "serious concerns for her daughter’s well-being while in the care of her father for an extended period of time and is prepared to take all necessary steps to protect her."

In order to be present at the custody battle, Berry dropped out of the upcoming feature film New Year’s Eve (the thematic sequel to the 2010 romantic comedy Valentine’s Day). Her role is now being played by Katherine Heigl.

For his part, Aubry isn't allowing Berry's allegations to go uncontested. In a statement to Access Hollywood, Aubry's rep had this to say: "While Gabriel is disappointed in Halle’s decision to falsely malign him publicly and for her own purposes, he refuses to be pulled into her dispute over a canceled film production."

The rep continues: "Gabriel also refuses to air their issues in the press as he believes this may ultimately harm their daughter. The fact is that Gabriel is a caring father who shares custody of Nahla. Gabriel fully believes that a consistent and balanced living situation and two loving parents are crucial for their child even if Ms. Berry feels otherwise. He will always defend his rights as a father and will always consider Nahla's best interest. Halle's continuing allegations in the press are untrue and irresponsible."

The public back-and-forth between Berry and Aubry is far from the amicable split they had in April 2010. The dispute may have heated up in late December when Aubry filed for joint custody of Nahla. RadarOnline reported that Berry was furious over Aubry dating other women (including Kim Kardashian) and allegedly even hired a private investigator to dig up dirt for the custody battle.

We certainly hope the Aubry wouldn't stoop so low as to insult the mother of his child using racial slurs... and that Berry wouldn't have a P.I. tail her baby-daddy. Right now, only one thing is clear: These two better work out their custody issues like adults if they really want what's best for Nahla.

Who do you believe: Halle Berry or Gabriel Aubry... or is there truth to both their claims? Chime in below!


Lena Headey Leonor Varela Leslie Bega

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