Friday, February 25, 2011

Owen Wilson: "I'm Doing a Great Job" at Being a Dad

Owen Wilson: "I'm Doing a Great Job" at Being a Dad


He's only been a dad for six weeks, but already Owen Wilson, 42, is comfortable with his new role as a dad. "I feel like I'm doing a great job already," the actor tells iVillage exclusively about his son Robert Ford (with girlfriend Jade Duell). "I've just jumped right in. I'm very helpful. Very useful."

What Wilson and his Hall Pass costar Jason Sudeikis, 35, can't relate to is why their characters in their new comedy (in theaters Feb. 25) would want time off from their onscreen wives, played by Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate. During a sitdown with iVillage to interview each other (with questions we provided), Sudeikis says of Applegate: "She's super funny. She's a smart ass and dirty," while Wilson chimes in that "Jenna's really funny too. We were lucky. We had great wives. Why did we need a hall pass?"

Watch our exclusive video (above) to find out what Wilson thinks would surprise people most about him and who Saturday Night Live star Sudeikis' ultimate guest host would be.


Samaire Armstrong Samantha Mathis Samantha Morton

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