Saturday, September 3, 2011

Stars Share Their Embarrassing Back-to-School Memories

Stars Share Their Embarrassing Back-to-School Memories

With fall right around the corner, kids everywhere are packing their book bags and saying goodbye to the lazy days of summer. But going back to school isn't always a seamless process -- and even Hollywood's hottest stars have their painful (but hilarious!) memories from the first day of school.

For Ryan Gosling, going back to school meant learning a dangerous lesson. "I watched Rambo: First Blood and I thought I was Rambo," he says. "I was in first grade -- I filled my Fisher-Price Houdini kit up with steak knives and started throwing them at the kids... But I got suspended, so that was pretty embarrassing."

Fortunately Emma Stone's embarrassing moment didn't involve weapons -- but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. "Seventh grade... I got zebra-print pants, and I thought they were the coolest," she says. "I wore them to school and this girl made fun of me all day long... I called my mom and said, 'Mom, you have to bring me a change of pants!'"

Watch our exclusive video to hear more funny memories from Jessica Alba, Steve Carell, Cameron Diaz and more!


Amanda Swisten Amber Arbucci

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