Monday, June 20, 2011

Ryan Dunn's Car Crash: Alcohol-Influenced

News of his death made headlines early this morning (June 20), and now more detail have emerged regarding Ryan Dunn's tragic car accident.

According to some fellow bar patrons, the ?Jackass? star arrived at Barnaby?s of America in West Chester, PA around 10:30pm and met up with a small group of male friends.

One of the sources told TMZ that Dunn had 2 Miller Lites and 3 ?girly shots? between the time he arrived and 2:10am, and was presumed ?not too drunk to drive.?

But, according to another bar-goer, Ryan was ?wasted? and ?had a lot to drink? when hopped in his Porsche with an unidentified passenger, killing them shortly after with speed as a possible cause of the crash.


Bonnie Jill Laflin Bridget Moynahan

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