Monday, March 28, 2011

New Virginia Beach Park in The Works

I just got word that Virginia Beach is building a new park at Williams Farm. Below is the full press release and information about the Design Workshop happening April 7th at Diamond Springs Elementary School. I just checked and it was roughly two years from the first design input day to the opening of Northside, so we won't likely be skating this park for a long time...

Virginia Beach Parks & Recreation will be hosting a Public Information Design Workshop for the new Williams Farm Skate Park, which is part of the Council-approved Williams Farm Recreation Center & Park project in the western Bayside area of Virginia Beach.

The purpose of the workshop is for the public to provide input into the design elements of the skate park, which will be sized approximately 20,000 square-feet, in-ground and concrete, with urban street plaza elements like steps and rails. Plans also include a vert ramp/bowl component and a flow park.

The meeting will be held at Diamond Springs Elementary School on Thursday, April 7, 2011 from 6 ? 8 pm, and is open to the public.

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