Monday, January 3, 2011

Lindsay Lohan's Inspirational Words for the New Year

Lindsay Lohan's Inspirational Words for the New Year

As Lindsay Lohan prepares to be released from rehab, the starlet is looking forward to better days in the new year.

"Today is the first day of the rest of my life. 'The future depends on what we do in the present.' -Mahatma Gandhi… One step at a time…" Lohan Tweeted on Jan. 1.

The 24-year-old is expected to get her walking papers from the Betty Ford Clinic in Palm Desert, Ca. on Monday.

It's been a rough road for Lohan -- even while in rehab -- as she was accused of attacking an employee at the center in December. Fortunately for Lilo, the charges were dropped days later, though the investigation into the incident is still ongoing.

Do you think Lindsay Lohan will be reformed in 2011?  Chime in below!


Michael Michele Michelle Behennah Michelle Branch

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