Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Coin Collection Tips: Finding a Coin Dealer

Coin dealers can be considered as best friends of coin
collectors. It is quite easy to find one. Although,
with qualities like being ethical and honest playing
an important role, it may take you quite some time to
search for one. As a coin dealer, you would want to
negotiate or entrust your coin collections to someone
who is qualified to play the part. What are the
characteristics that you would like your coin dealer
to have? He should be:

• knowledgeable and must have even the slightest idea
on the details of his topic

• respected by his friends and by other coin
collectors as well

• financially stable

• demonstrates careful ethics

Now that’s all said, there are still a couple of
things that you need to assess in order to evaluate a
particular coin dealer.


A coin dealer must have at least several years of
experience in the coin dealing industry and have
certain accreditations from people. His credentials
must be impeccable especially if your purpose for coin
collection is for investment. You have to remember
that not every coin dealer is good at what they do.
Some would just pretend to know everything but in the
end, nothing. You need to find a reliable and
knowledgeable coin dealer who can give you tons of
accurate advice.


A coin dealer must be financially stable in order to
recompense and for you to be sure that he will stay
longer in the industry. There is a vast majority of
genuine coins in the market and sometimes fake ones
show up. A coin dealer’s certification can help with
these things and when all else fails and it turned out
that what you have is a fake, you can take it all back
on your coin dealer.


It is wiser and safer to choose a coin dealer out of
his friends’ decision to let him join a certain group
or guild. Otherwise, if the community or even his band
of friends don’t like the way he makes business, they
wouldn’t let him join the club. It only means that
doing business with him is not actually safer as it


Nothing is more disheartening than to see how a
scumbag would deal with his customers in a way that
he’s trying to get more out of what is being offered.
In this case, you have to be pretty keen on how a coin
dealer makes business with other people. He must treat
everyone with manners and not differently just because
you’re wearing designer clothes when you came in. A
coin dealer must always be fair in the way he deals
with every customer.

Take note that coin dealers who are ethical would have
enough consideration and respect to their customers no
matter how young or old they are. A good coin dealer
must represent fairly, treat customers fairly and
grade honestly. Nowadays, this is not always the
scenario. Most of the coin dealers think that they
could get away with everything.


PNG coin dealer are the ones who agree to submit
arbitration in cases of disputes. You have to consider
this especially if you are buying really expensive
coins. You don’t want to go through all the complaints
and lawsuits that’s why you have to be stern and avoid
the slightest possibility.

It is advisable that you rely your coin collections on
dealers that are affiliated with PNG just to be sure
that your investment is safe.

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