Thursday, December 31, 2009

YouTube’s Test Tube: What Is It?

Are you an active member of the YouTube community? If you enjoy uploading and sharing your videos with others you may be. Even if you prefer to only watch videos online, not share your own, you may still be an active member of the YouTube community. If you regularly find yourself visiting the YouTube website, whether it is to upload your own movies or watch movies that others have posted, you may have heard of a program that is known as TestTube. TestTube is an idea that was generated by YouTube, although it is still in the testing period, you may find YouTube’s TestTube to be quite exciting, unique, yet useful.

As you can likely tell from the name and as it was mentioned above, TestTube is a program that was and is still being generated by YouTube. TestTube is where YouTube is currently testing a wide variety of different things; things that will likely improve the way that you watch or share videos on YouTube. When you think about it, YouTube is absolutely amazing. They are one of the largest online video sharing websites, as well as the most popular, yet they are still taking a number of steps to make the online video sharing experience even better.

Although the TestTube program isn’t necessarily referred to as a beta program, it can be considered one, as everything that is tested is still in the experimental phases. As it was stated above, many of things being worked on in YouTube’s TestTube are improvements to make watching and sharing videos online easier. To know if these ideas or improvements are actually working, they need other internet users to help test them out. This is where you could come in. If you were interested, you could request to join the YouTube TestTube program. You will not only find doing so fun and exciting, but you may also get a firsthand look at many of the changes or improvements that the folks at YouTube are trying to make.

Although the improvements or ideas being worked on in YouTube’s TestTube are likely to vary, you will find that many improvements or ideas are centered on watching videos. For instance, YouTube is currently working on an idea that allows you and other internet users, who are watching the same YouTube videos, to talk to each other, almost like a live, real-time chat. This is a little bit different then sending personal messages or leaving comments on a YouTube video page. Another unique idea currently being examined in YouTube’s TestTube, is the ability to add music to a video, as a watcher. In YouTube’s TestTube, you have the ability to swap out audio from a YouTube video from a long list of licensed songs that YouTube has permission to use.

The decision as to whether or not you want to visit the TestTube section of YouTube is yours to make, but it is definitely something worth looking into. You get to try out all of YouTube’s current ideas or improvements for free. You are also encouraged to offer your suggestions as to whether or not you like them. This, in turn, could help to make your YouTube experience even that more memorable. If you are interested in taking part in YouTube’s TestTube program, you can find more information about the program, by visiting the YouTube webpage. In small print, at the bottom of each YouTube page, you will find a link with more information on TestTube.

What to Consider Before Posting a Video on YouTube

Are you interested in making a video to have displayed on YouTube? With a large fan following, YouTube is a great place to make your own videos and get them seen. With YouTube, it is not uncommon for one video to get as many as a few thousand hits, sometimes even more. That is one of the main reasons why internet users, just like you, enjoy sharing their videos on YouTube; the exposure is nice. Of course, the decision to upload your videos to YouTube is yours to make, but there are some important factors that you may first want to take into consideration.

As it was previously mentioned, many YouTube videos end up getting thousands of hits. While having a large number of viewers is nice, you never exactly know who is viewing your videos, as well as what their intentions are. In today’s society, you need to be extremely careful; different people interpret things different ways. While you may believe that you are just posting a simple online video blog, someone else may actually think that you are speaking to directly to them or think that you want to be found and contacted. This shouldn’t prevent you from uploading videos to YouTube; however, it should make you practice safety. You are advised against giving out any personal information about yourself, including where you live, as well as your full name.

What is nice about YouTube is that they allow you take one of your videos down at a moments notice. For instance, if you received poor feedback from one of your videos or if you changed your mind about sharing your video with the rest of the internet community, you should be able to take your video down, but what you may not know is that the damage may have already been done. There are many internet users, particularly those who consider themselves video fanatics, who actually copy or save the videos that they find interesting or appealing. This means that even though you deleted one of your YouTube videos, it could still be in circulation, possibly even in the wrong hands. That is why it is advised that you seriously think about what you are doing before actually posting videos on YouTube.

It is also advised that you examine the content of your YouTube videos before actually uploading them to the site. While you might not necessarily be concerned with offending anyone, you should be. There are many internet users who take offense to videos or just discussions in general that bash or make fun their races, religions, or general way of life. You do not want to create a negative name for yourself or even just your YouTube name, as it may later come back to haunt you. It is also advised that you think about keeping your face out of your YouTube videos. Showing your face may make it easier for internet predators to find and contact you. Should you post a video of yourself of YouTube, you may want to examine your appearance or think about how others may interpret your video.

The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many that you will want to take into consideration, before making or uploading your videos to the YouTube website. As previously stated, the decision as to whether or not you want to share your videos on YouTube is yours to make, but if you are interested in doing so, it is advised that you display caution.

Pros and Cons of Making Your Own YouTube Videos

Are you one of the millions of internet users who enjoy watching free videos on YouTube? If you are, the thought of creating your own YouTube video may have crossed your mind; has it? If so, you may be wondering whether or not you should make your own YouTube video and then upload it to the YouTube website. When making your decision, it is advised that you can examine the pros and cons of doing so.

When it comes to making your own YouTube video, there are a number of cons or downsides to doing so. Perhaps, the biggest downside to making your own video and then uploading it to YouTube is that you are essentially sharing the video with the whole world.

Many individuals mistakenly believe that their videos will only be seen by YouTube members, but that isn’t the truth. Any internet user, even those without a YouTube account, can view videos on YouTube.

In fact, it is not uncommon for YouTube video viewers to email a YouTube video link to those that they know. Therefore, the views that your YouTube videos may get may be more than you ever expected or wanted.

Since any video that you upload to the YouTube website can be viewed by just about anyone with an internet connection, you may want to be careful with the amount of information that you disclose. For instance, if you are doing a video blog, you might not want to give your real name or at least not your full name. It is also important that you don’t mention where you live.

If you want, you may want to outline the state that you reside in, but never give the city or town, especially if you disclose your name. You will want to try and refrain from giving any personal information to any YouTube member, even those who send you personal messages asking for information. As with most online website, YouTube can be a dangerous place, but you should be able to stay safe as long as you stay aware.

Although there are a few downsides or cons to uploading your videos to the YouTube website, there are also a number of pros or plus sides to doing so. One of those pros is ease of use. Even if you consider yourself to be unskilled with computers, you should still be able to make, upload, and share your video or videos on YouTube.

In all honesty, all you need is a video recording device, like a camcorder or a webcam, and a movie editing software program, which now comes standard with most computers. Once you have your video on your computer and edited, if you wish to do so, you will just need to follow YouTube’s step-by-step uploading instructions and then your video should be ready for sharing, in as little as a few minutes.

Another pro to using YouTube to share your own videos with other internet users is uses. Although a large number of internet users use YouTube videos for fun or for personal reasons, there are many others who use them for business or at least to up their exposure. You need to remember that millions of internet users watch videos on YouTube.

While your YouTube video will be unlikely to get one million views, you could get quite a bit. Whether you are advertising your services, like as a website designer or an online actress, you can do so through YouTube. The only thing that you will want to do is try to not take the spam approach. If you are advertising yourself as a website designer, try taking a few videos of you making a website or use your video to explore websites that you have made.

Simply adding your business information at the end of the video is a great way to get your point across, but without making your YouTube video seem as it is an advertisement.

As you can see, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages, or pros and cons, to making your own YouTube videos. As stated above, it is advised that you use your best judgment. Of course, you can post a video on YouTube if you want to do so, but just make sure that you are doing so safely.

How to Make a YouTube Video

Are you interested in making your own videos to upload to YouTube and to share with the rest of the internet community? If you are and if this is your first time trying to do so, you may be wondering how you can go about making your own videos. Although the process of making a YouTube video may seem like a complicated one, it isn’t necessarily. Even those with a low amount of computer knowledge are able to successfully make their own videos, many of which later end up on YouTube.

The first step in making a YouTube video is to get a video recording device. Video recording devices come in a number of different formats. For instance, it is possible to use cell phones, webcams, or traditional camcorders. If you are interested in using your cell phone to help you make a YouTube video, you will need to make sure that your cell phone has video recording capabilities. You will find that most new, modern cell phones do. For the best quality videos, you want to use traditional camcorders, particularly digital ones, but webcams are also nice low-cost alternatives.

Once you have a video recording device in your possession, you can start to make your own videos. Popular videos on YouTube include video blogs, comedy skits, how-to videos, or travel videos. You can make just about whatever type of video you want, whether it is one that is staged or just recording spur of the moment activities or conversations. When making a YouTube video, it is important to remember that YouTube doesn’t limit the number of videos you can submit, but all videos must be ten minutes or less, if you have a traditional YouTube membership account. Therefore, if you want to have videos be longer than ten minutes, you either need to upgrade your account or make your videos in different segments.

When making your YouTube video, you will want to make sure that the quality is good. For this, it is a good idea to speak directly into the camera or else use raised voices. This will help to ensure that those watching your videos on YouTube can actually understand what you are saying. It is also advised that you make sure the lighting is good. The best time to make movies is during the day. If you want to make your movies at night, whether they take place inside or outdoors, you will want to make sure that you have the appropriate amount of lighting. Nothing is worse that watching a video that is hard to see.

Although there are a number of steps, like the ones mentioned above, which you can take to ensure that your YouTube videos are quality ones, there is a way that you can fix problems later on. You can do this with movie editing software. Moving editing software allows you to preview and edit your videos, should you wish to do so before uploading them to YouTube. If you have a relatively new computer, you should be able to find movie editing software already on your computer. If you are unable to find movie editing software, you should be able to get free software programs or even purchase deluxe software programs online or from one of your local media stores.

The decision as to whether or not you want to edit your videos, before sharing them on YouTube, is yours to make, but it is advised that you at least look into doing so, especially if your computer already has a movie editing program. You will want to watch your movies and see if there is anything that you would like to edit, change, or remove. If so, the time to do it is before you post your video on the YouTube website. Editing your YouTube videos or at least previewing them first is likely to improve their quality, which, in turn, will help to improve the exposure that your YouTube videos get. Many YouTube members share videos that they find interesting with those that they know and your videos may be one of them.

Using Acid Reflux Medicine to Get Rid of the Annoying Heartburns

Alcohol lovers would often love to match their drink with spicy dishes and greasy and fatty foods. The perfect combination makes the drinking perfect to the palate. Unfortunately though, this is bad for the esophagus and the stomach. The alcohol, the spicy dishes and the greasy and fatty foods causes acid reflux or also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Other causes of acid reflux are pregnancy, genetic influences, presence of infection in the gastrointestinal tract, and the Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs).

The Gastrointestinal System of the body is composed of the following: the oral cavity, the esophagus, the stomach, small intestine, large intestine and the anus. The main function of the Gastrointestinal System is to digest food particles, absorb digestive juices and eliminate undigested materials which are of course the feces.

The acid reflux affects the stomach and the esophagus. This occurs when the liquid from the stomach which contains pepsin, an irritating substance produced by the chief cells goes up to the esophagus passing through the cardiac sphincter. The cardiac sphincter is the opening to the stomach from the esophagus. Its function is to prevent reflux of the substances in the stomach because these substances cause esophageal irritation and ulcer. If the cardiac sphincter fails to close after receiving food from the esophagus, acid reflux occurs.

Acid reflux is a chronic condition. Once a person suffers from it, it becomes a life-long ordeal. Injury in the esophagus also is a chronic condition. Even if the esophagus has healed with treatment and it is being stopped, the injury will return in most patients within a few months. Once treatment for said illness is begun, it usually needs to be continued indefinitely.

Normally, liquid reflux in the stomach occurs to a healthy individual. However, people with the acid reflux or GERD, has more acid in the liquid. This may be caused by the genetic influences, specifically, an increased number of parietal cells which produce pepsin in the stomach.
The body has mechanisms to protect itself from the harmful effects of reflux and acid. Most reflux happens during the day when individuals are upright. In said position, the refluxed liquid is more likely to flow back down into the stomach due to gravity. Moreover, while individuals are awake, they continually swallow, regardless if there is reflux or not. Each time individuals swallow the reflux liquid slide back into the stomach. The last body defense to reflux is the salivary glands in the mouth. These glands produce saliva, which contains bicarbonate. Every time an individual swallows, the bicarbonate-containing saliva slides down the esophagus. The bicarbonate neutralizes the small amount of acid that remains in the esophagus.

Basically, acid reflux medicines inhibit the production or release of pepsin produced by the chief cells and hydrochloric acid produced by the parietal cells in the stomach. Other medicines may not totally inhibit the production but they neutralize the acid.

The acid reflux medicines are the Histamine Blockers or the H2 receptor antagonists. Histamine stimulates a pump in the stomach that releases hydrochloric acid. The H2 receptor antagonists prevent the histamine from stimulating this pump. They block the production of the hydrochloric acid thereby reducing secretion and concentration into the stomach.

One of the acid reflux medicines is the Cimetidine which was introduced in 1975. It has a short half-life and short duration of action. The three most popular H2 blockers are Ranitidine, Famotidine and Nizatidine. They are more potent than Cimetidine because in addition to blocking gastric acid secretions, they also promote healing of the ulcer by eliminating its cause. They also have longer duration of action.

As the cliché goes, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, you can avoid having an acid reflux or GERD by avoiding too much smoking and alcohol, and by eating less of spicy and greasy food. When taking NSAIDs, be sure you take it after meals. Lastly, avoid stress because it stimulates the release of the deadly acid.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Acid Reflux Medication: Keeping Heartburn at Bay

In a normal digestive process, the partially digested food is being forwarded by muscular movements from the stomach to the intestines. However, for some people, the stomach contents travel back to the esophagus from the stomach. This condition is known as acid reflux.

Common symptoms of this disease include heartburn, difficulty in swallowing, regurgitation, chest pains, dental erosion, hoarseness, asthma, dyspepsia, vomiting, and many others.

If not properly treated, acid reflux can last for several months. But drug treatment can play an essential part in the treatment process of a patient.

The most common medications used include the following:

Antacids. These drugs are used to neutralize the acids in the digestive tract and are primarily taken in for relief of mild symptoms, such as occasional episodes of indigestion and heartburn. They also act to incite the defensive mechanisms of our stomach by building up the secretion of mucous and bicarbonate. Most antacids can be bought over the counter even without a medical prescription. Moreover, these drugs are one of the first to be recommended by professionals to lessen the pain brought about by heartburn or mild symptoms. The three basic ingredients of antacids are magnesium, calcium, and aluminum.

Acid suppressants such as histamine blockers are also commonly used. Histamine blockers obstruct the production of stomach acids by alienating the actions of histamine. Histamine is a chemical in the body that promotes the production and secretion of acids in the stomach. Anti-histamines are available even without prescription and offers relief of symptoms in most of the patients with frequent acid reflux. Patients have to wait for 30 to 90 minutes for these drugs to take effect. But their effect also lasts six to 24 hours. In cases of severe symptoms, a patient may have to take two dosages a day. In some researches, histamine blockers have shown to improve asthmatic symptoms in those who endure from both acid reflux and asthma.

However, in a study dated 2001, it was suggested that histamine blockers occasionally impart complete relief of symptoms for dyspepsia and heartburn.

Proton pump inhibitors are also employed as a medication. They act to trim down the production of stomach acids by reacting with the cells found in the stomach wall which produce and release acids into the stomach. However, researches have revealed that the use of proton pump inhibitors poses some concerns. Side effects, although uncommon, include diarrhea, headache, itching, and nausea. Moreover, these drugs should also be stayed away from by pregnant and breast-feeding mothers.

Another medication that is generally handled is the use of agents which protect the mucus lining in the gastrointestinal region. This kind of drug acts by attaching to an ulcer crater so that it will be guarded from damage caused by digestive acids. It is advisable for people undergoing maintenance therapy with mild or moderate acid reflux conditions. Likewise, it has minor side effects, including constipation.

Anti-spasm drugs are also utilized to prevent acid and even non-acid reflux. A gamma-amino acid butyric acid agonist, an anti-spasm drug is generally used to abate the spasms in the muscles. Unlike most medicines used for acid reflux, it can also lessen non-acid refluxes and amplify the pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter, a muscle that separates the esophagus from the stomach and prevents backing up of stomach contents.

Acid Reflux in Baby: Keeping Your Baby Protected

Acid reflux, which is also termed as gastroesophageal reflux, is one of the most frequent problems among infants. Babies with acid reflux often suffer from a range of conditions, from a mild degree to a severe one, such as recurrent spitting up, abdominal pain, and night waking.

This discussion would be more comprehensive with the understanding of the physiological or the mechanical aspect of the condition. The body has a band of muscle in a circular structure that is called the lower esophageal sphincter. This muscle detaches the esophagus from the stomach. When food comes into the stomach, it closes so as to prevent the stomach acids and contents from backing up into the esophagus or regurgitating. But in the case of some babies, the lower esophageal sphincter has grown immature. As such, the partially digested food and digestive acids are allowed to be refluxed. This condition causes irritation in the esophagus lining which results to inflammation that is also commonly called as heartburn.

Acid reflux among babies usually develops when they are between two to four weeks old. Doctors usually prescribe medicines that minimize the production of digestive acids. Within six to nine months, the acid reflux starts to naturally subside. At this time period, the babies spend most of their time in an upright position. This is to apply the law of gravity on the food taken in; that is, the food stays down more naturally and reduces possible regurgitation.

The following are helpful pointers on feeding and positioning of babies to lessen acid reflux:

Prepare smaller feedings recurrently. It makes sense to feed your baby more than usual but less than the accustomed. If lesser volume of milk goes into the stomach, the digestion will be faster and there will be fewer amounts of contents available for regurgitation.

Maintain the baby in an upright position after feeding. As discussed earlier, gravity helps to keep the digestive contents down. Position your baby seated in your lap while his head rests on your chest. Keep this position for at least half an hour after feeding.

Breastfeeding helps a lot. Breast milk is well-known to have many advantages over other commercial formula, mainly for babies with acid reflux. Breast milk can be digested faster, which of course lessens spitting up, and it has special enzymes that assists digestion. In addition to that, breast milk does not trigger allergy to babies compared to other milks available in the market. But for those who are formula-feeding, it is advisable to use milk with a hypoallergenic formula as advised by a doctor. Aside from having higher tolerance with sensitive intestines, hypoallergenic milk can also be digested faster by the stomach so as to minimize refluxes.

Set your baby in a comfortable position when asleep. Since when a baby lies flat when sleeping, gravity cannot help in keeping the food down in this set-up. As a result, a baby with acid reflux often has to endure a sore night waking. If a baby can sleep soundly, then there will be no need to call for a change in his habit. But some babies become restless, which can be noted by abdominal pain, acid breath, and wet burps. In this case, it is recommended to elevate the baby’s crib to about 30 degrees. This will be enough to reduce the regurgitation. You may also try to train him to sleep on his left side. It is in this position where the inlet of the stomach is higher than the exit. This will also help to keep the food down.

Acid Reflux Disease Symptoms: Knowing your Body

Acid reflux disease is a condition in which the stomach acids abnormally reflux into the esophagus. This phenomenon is irregularly experienced by most people, most especially after eating.

Our body uses gastric and stomach acids to break down the food that we eat. Normally, after the digestion in the stomach, the food is delivered by the digestive muscles to the intestines for extra digestion. But in patients who have acid reflux disease, the acidic stomach contents are moved back to the esophagus, which then causes inflammation. Cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, pregnancy, and fatty foods are some factors which worsens acid reflux conditions.

Our present knowledge about acid reflux based on medical researches tells us that this disease is common in men as it is in women. There is no sexual preference. Moreover, the prevalence of acid reflux is more frequent in people of 40 years of age or more.

Symptoms of acid reflux may be typical or atypical. But based on the diagnosis of acid reflux patients, only 70% of those who have this disease manifest typical symptoms.

Typical or esophageal symptoms concern indicators which are related with the esophagus. Such symptoms include the following:

Heartburn. This is a condition in which the patient feels a painful burning feeling in the esophagus. The pain often develops in the chest and may swell to the neck or throat. This is most probable to occur in relation with these activities: after a heavy meal, lifting, bending over, and lying down. Based on one study, about 75% of acid reflux patients experience this symptom at night. These nigh-time patients also tend to experience more harsh pain than those whose symptom occurs at other times.

Dyspepsia. Researches show that about half of acid reflux patients have dyspepsia. This is a syndrome which consists of pain and distress in the upper abdomen, nausea after a meal, and stomach fullness. It is not a rule however, that those who have dyspepsia have acid reflux.

Regurgitation. This is when the gastric contents back up into the pharynx and sometimes as far as the mouth. In cases where the acids have spilled into the tracheobronchial tree, respiratory complications can be stimulated.

There are many instances, though, that acid reflux patients do not manifest symptoms such as regurgitation and heartburn. Instead, they experience atypical or extraesophageal symptoms which include the following:

Throat Symptoms. Although it does not commonly happen, acid reflux patients suffer from symptoms that occur in the throat. Hoarseness, the feeling of having a lump in the throat, dry cough are undergone by those who have acid laryngitis, a throat symptom. Patients can also have difficulty in swallowing, a condition known as dysphagia. In critical cases, the food may get trapped in the throat or even choke, which can result to a severe chest pain. Other throat symptoms are chronic sore throat and persistent hiccups.

Vomiting and Nausea. When a patient suffers from nausea which persists for weeks, he may have acid reflux. There are few instances where vomiting can occur as often as once a day.

Respiratory Symptoms. Coughing and wheezing are counted as respiratory symptoms. These result from the overrunning of the stomach acids into the tracheobronchial tree creating bronchoconstriction.

Acid reflux disease can last for several months if not given proper medical attention. Drug treatment may only be required for a short time. But when the symptoms tend to repetitively occur, the drug treatment may have to be reapplied.

Overlooking Acid Reflux Disease in Children

An 11-year-old boy in Boston developed a Gastro esophageal reflux Disease (GERD). According to his mother, Cathy, it was the end of June in the year 2005 when his son developed a cough which usually happens during sleep, and even during daytime. It is only a short dry cough symptom. His pediatrician thought it was only allergy, however, when his son was tested, result showed that his son had no allergy. According to her, it was his son’s asthma that relates to GERD.

Studies show that GERD is likewise normal to infants and children like in adults, though this fact is often times being overlooked. The symptoms come in continual sickness, coughing, and other respiratory trouble.

Children are vulnerable to GERD because of their immature digestive system. Truth is majority of the infants grow out of GERD once they reach the age of one year old.

The medical specialists further stated that symptoms for children may come in difficulty in swallowing foods, or failure to grow. The doctors recommended that in situation like this it is best to lessen the amount of acid in the children’s stomach before it could lead to acid reflux, since this disease is not very curable in children.

However, the doctor suggested some approaches to avoid acid reflux on children; an example of these is burping the infant quite a few times during feeding, or letting the infant stay in an erect position for 30 minutes after nourishing.

Although, for a child ages three and up, doctors suggested to keep them off from sodas that includes caffeine like soft drinks, carbonated drinks, spicy foods like peppermint, acidic foods like citrus fruits, too much chocolate, and fried and fatty foods. Ideally, establishing a healthy eating habit diet can really decrease the acid reflux in children.

It is also suggested that children will eat smaller meals before sleeping, if possible, do not allow them to eat two to three hours before sleeping, also, elevate the head of their bed for at least 30 degrees.

Further treatments include the use of H2 blockers; this is available in any drugs store. Prevacid, proton plump inhibitors, can also be used in treating acid flux for children.

However, if these treatments fail to stop the symptoms, other treatment method needs to be done. It is very atypical, but doctors’ recommends surgery, this is so far the best treatment for relentless symptoms which do not anymore counter to other treatments.

The Esophageal reflux surgery for children is designated for children who have had unsuccessful medical treatments, and continuous surgery is essential as the child grows.

Now, if you get confused whether when is the time to consult a pediatrician regarding acid reflux. The answer is you observe, observe the amounts of vomiting of the child, if it already comes out in green or yellow or appears to be like blood or coffee grounds, there difficulty in breathing after vomiting, and there is pain in swallowing, immediately consult a pediatrician before the symptom gets aggravated.

So to prevent the occurrence of this disease, stay away from the habit of leaning forward after eating, or worse, sleeping after taking a large amount of food.

Take note, advanced acid reflux disease has a great possibility to end serious medical complications, and it may lead to hospitalization.

Be keen of the possible symptoms so will not overlook it. Take care of your kids.

Heal Your Heartburn Through Acid Reflux Diet

Acid Reflux, another term for heartburn, is a disease which is created by a simple imbalance of chemical make-up in the body--the attack of acid reflux in the esophagus when it is supposed to be in the stomach only.

The fact that Acid Reflux, the acid indigestion, affects not just adults but also infants and children, make it essential for everyone to be aware of its symptoms and how it can be prevented.

Since the Acid Reflux is triggered by various foods like chocolate, citrus fruits, spicy foods, including fried and fatty foods. Together with the time of day the foods are eaten and over eating which causes excessive weight. Therefore, the key to avoid the heartburning uneasiness brought by the Acid reflux also lies on the foods—a manage diet.

Truth in studies show that a specific food can head out acid reflux, so it is vital that everyone must take a careful observation of their eating habits.

Nevertheless, any person who is suffering from Acid Reflux needs a diet that would suit to treat the illness, the foods that should be taken and those which should not be.

Now, you might be wondering what could be the best diet to observe to avoid acid reflux, the heartburn-free recipes that are fitted to an Acid Reflux diet.

It was distinguished that drinking milk can be a speedy cure to alleviate acid reflux trouble. Although, milk produces an action and encourages discharge of more stomach acid, causing then acid reflux.

So, people affected by heartburn should follow a diet wherein they eat a small meal during dinner and follow it up with a small snack before they go to sleep, crackers for instance.

Likewise, they should make sure that they their meal are rich in complex carbohydrates. This includes breads, rice and pasta; this fixes the excessive acid in the stomach, hence, giving it an easy feeling.

Chew your foods well, do not rush on eating, 20 minutes for each meal will do. Extract all the nourishment that you can get in your food.

Along with the diet, it is also advisable to keep yourself in a straight position during and after eating, for least 45 minutes.

Remove from your diet high-fat foods, this will tend to stay in the stomach longer, with this, the stomach will be forced to produce more acids for digestion.

In addition, avoid eating large meals; this will also stimulate the stomach to produce more acids to digest them.

One the medical specialists’ recommendations is to add more plant protein in your diet, like beans and lentils, in this process the animal protein that you have taken will be replaced.

Also, try to observe in your diet the time you spend for eating, the amount of your meal, your relaxation when you eat, and how thorough you chew your food. It is advisable that you take several small meals in a day, than you take large meals regularly, for instance six small meals a day will do than having three large ones. The procedure is simply breaking up the meal.

If you want additional information regarding proper diet to battle Acid Reflux, you can visit a nutrition-oriented health care practitioner like a dietician, naturopathic physician, or nutritionist. They can give you accurate dietary schemes that will fit your private health needs and objectives.

Keeping Pregnant Women Away From Acid Reflux Dilemma

Many women tend to experience heartburn symptoms when they are still carrying their babies, and this happens for several reasons.

One of these is the increase of hormones in the women’s body while they are pregnant. The occurrence of this will result in softening the ligaments which function is to keep the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) firmly closed. When the LES rests at unsuitable periods, tendency is, this will let the gastric acid and food to reflux back to the esophagus and throat.

One more reason of experiencing heartburn during pregnancy is because the changes in the body and the development of the baby creates more pressure in the women’s stomach. Therefore, the stomach contents are forced right into the LES, and then to the esophagus.

However, there are several methods that a pregnant woman can observe to lessen the discomfort brought by heartburn. The following are good advices, although this may not remove the heartburn totally:

• Avoid the food that triggers heartburn. Examples of this are chocolates, spicy foods, citrus fruits and juices, mustard, tomatoes and tomato based products, fatty foods, fried foods, and highly seasoned dishes. Try to refer to medical specialists to know the complete list of foods to avoid Acid Reflux. Also, for foods that you may take which contains little danger of causing heartburn.

• Get rid of drinks that have caffeine, like tea, coffee, and soda. Too much of these will cause the LES to relax and let the acid to return into the esophagus.

• Stay away from alcohol beverages. This, like caffeine tends to relax the LES thus, creating the same effect—triggering heartburn.

• Avoid eating large meals. It is suggested that taking numerous small meals throughout the day will be better.

• Avoid rush in eating your meals. Chewing food thoroughly will really help in avoidance of heartburn, so better take your time in eating.

• Rest for at least three hours after having your last meal before taking your sleep.

• A pregnant woman is advised to take more glasses of water a day, at least 8 to 10 glasses, though this must be taken not just during meals. Through this, the stomach will expand, and then the LES will be given more pressure, obliging it to open inappropriately. Hence, it is really recommended to drink more water and other fluids in between meals.

• When sleeping elevate the head of the bed for at least six to eight inches. Try to sleep with an elevated head and shoulders through a wedge pillow. Through this, the gravity will work as much that it will keep the acids in your stomach in their place—in the stomach, not in the esophagus. Try to consult physicians to gain additional knowledge on how to relieve nighttime heartburn.

• Don’t wear tight fitting clothes. Tightness around the waist and stomach will trigger heartburn as it causes uneasiness.

• When bending, do it at the knees, not at the waist. This will avoid in creating too much pressure in the stomach.

• Don’t slouch; rather sit erect in a relaxing chair.

• Maintain a sensible amount of weight, too much weight and fatness will give more stress in your stomach. As a result, this will force stomach contents throughout the LES and to the esophagus. Stay with your doctors guidelines.

• Avoid smoking. Doctors stated that smoking could cause several effects to a pregnant woman, much that it can add to the possibility of experiencing heartburn.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How the Rich Really Get Richer

Somehow we have a fascination and sometimes a disgust toward the wealthiest people in our society. To be sure, they are the ones that get a lot of attention in the tabloids and television talk shows. And the paparazzi love them. But at the same time, we tend to look down on them. We assume that they are spoiled, perhaps got their wealth through unscrupulous means and that they cannot understand the day in day out struggles that the “common folks” go through every day.

But there is another side to the lifestyle of the most fortunate in society and that is their philanthropic and community service work that they do. There is no question that the wealthy have amazing abilities to generate revenue and build powerful and successful businesses. But it seems that once people reach a certain level of wealth, the urge takes over to give to the community and provide the means for some truly great community service work to be done.

There is a long precedent in the country for those who achieve the highest level of success to turn that success around and put it right back into the community. One of the great philanthropists of the American business community was David Packard, one of the founders of Hewlett Packard. Throughout his career, he never allowed the trappings of wealth to affect his lifestyle or his values. So when he had achieved great success, he turned right around and started the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. This ongoing community service organization uses the tremendous endowment of funds that David Packard passed to it in his will to fund dozens of worthwhile community service projects including preschools, community centers, health care for children and children’s hospitals.

A more up to date example of a very rich and successful business man turning that wealth to community service is Bill Gates, the entrepreneur who started Microsoft. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives literally millions to dozens of worthy projects that are set up to help ease the plight of those victimized by global poverty and illness as well finding ways to encourage global development to help put an end to poverty once and for all.

Looking at this charitable work on the outside, you might think that the rich of our society do this kind of thing for a tax write off or because they feel guilty for all they take out of society. And sure, there are no doubt some of that social class who function out of those motivations. But a higher motivation often is what drives the wealthy to want to do their part.

In many cases, such as Bill Gates, the wealth they have come to know was a byproduct of their brilliant work with their field of endeavor. They never set out to be rich but the marketplace rewarded them for innovation, invention or superior business abilities. These individuals are like you and I in that they set out in life to be as successful as they can be. And just like you and I, many of the wealthy know that being a success in life means more than just your bank account or how new your car is.

So by using the blessings their success has given them to help others, the wealthy get a different kind of fulfillment from life than just luxury and fine living. They learn what many of us already know that to achieve true fulfillment in life, you have to seek it from helping others. By coming down out of their mansions and finding ways to help others in society, the rich discover that the one who gets the most out of community service is the giver. We are fortunate to such philanthropists who are using their wealth to help others. But they have learned that our thanks is not the reward. They have learned that the way to truly get richer is to enjoy a richer life and that there is no richer experience in life than the joy of helping others through community service.

A Primer on Medical Acupuncture

Have you ever had an uncontrollable urge to be pierced by a dozen needles? This is the image most people get when someone mentions the word “acupuncture”. It comes as no surprise that most view this technique with suspicion, even downright horror. The fact is, however, that this relatively painless ancient Chinese technique has helped relieve the symptoms of millions of people. Properly used, it can help in the management of many medical conditions including chronic pain and fatigue.

How does needle puncture work?

Practitioners of Chinese traditional medicine believe in energy flows. This energy, called Qi, circulates around the body using pathways called meridians. Meridians run very close to the surface of the skin in certain areas and can be accessed by needles. Much like plumbing, these pipes can get blocked or go the wrong way, causing health problems. The insertion of needles at these points is aimed to help loosen blocks and normalize flow.

It sounds like a made-up explanation with no basis in reality, but there are numerous scientific studies which support the effects of acupuncture. Although the exact scientific basis is still unknown, recent theories seem to suggest involvement of complicated neurochemical effects in the brain, nerve to spinal cord impulse modulation, and microscopic connective tissue changes.

What risks and side effects are of concern?

The use of things not completely understood for the treatment of medical conditions is nothing new. Penicillin and aspirin were used for decades solely on the basis of their beneficial effects, without doctors knowing exactly how they worked. Results are what are truly important. However, it is equally important is to ensure that the technique is used safely.

Like other strategies used in treating health conditions, acupuncture may have some side effects. Medications have side effects and allergic reactions, surgeries have risk of infection and complications. For needle puncture, there is a risk of injury, rare infections, minor bleeding, small bruises, and some dizziness.

You can minimize the possible side effects by choosing a licensed acupuncturist. Most countries either have government licensing in place or have professional organizations with very strict rules and regulations.

How do treatments go?

An acupuncturist will do an initial evaluation of your medical history and your body’s current state. Multiple pressure points are palpated, and a regimen of treatment is formulated. Most courses involve a series of 10 to 20 treatment sessions, each lasting 30 to 90 minutes. Needles will be carefully placed at the required points and kept in place for some time. Most patients report a feeling of mild sensation at the site of the puncture, but no real pain.

Right after each acupuncture session, you will feel a bit tired and may need to rest. Some people feel an increase in their energy levels. The response to acupuncture is very individual. In some cases there is immediate relief of symptoms. For some patients, the beneficial effects may only be noticed after undergoing a few sessions. Do not be alarmed and keep your acupuncturist updated on what you are feeling to ensure everything is going as expected.

You need never fear the thought of needles ever again. Acupuncture is a beneficial treatment with a long history of effectiveness. It is used to complement current medical therapy and should not replace currently existing medications or treatments.

The safe application of this once exclusively Chinese therapy can now be experienced by chronic disease sufferers worldwide.

Magnifying Acid Reflux

Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), the medical term for “Acid Reflux” is defined as the product of abnormal reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus thus, creating a mucosal damage, likewise known as the chronic symptom.

This disease strikes adult primarily, while infants and children can also be affected. Normally spurred by eating certain foods, if not pregnancy, or taking a sleep right after eating a heavy meal, a large number of persons suffer from acid reflux at one time or another.

Heartburn or acid indigestion is another name that refers to acid reflux. Heartburn, the major symptom of Acid Reflux in the esophagus, is described to cause a burning uneasiness at the back of the sternum.

The symptoms may come as coughing, voice transformation, hoarseness, constant ear ache, or sinusitis. The complications brought upon by acid reflux may lead to esophageal ulcers or worse this can lead to esophageal cancer.

However, constant heartburn sensations do not necessarily mean that one has captured GERD already. The risk occurs when heartburn happened more than once a week, this occasion could possibly lead in developing GERD.

The usual cause of GERD is the increase in acidity or gastric acid production in the body, obesity, pregnancy, or tight-fitting apparels, these all can add to the problem. The yeast infections are also thought to be one of the causes of GERD-like symptoms.

An added ironical cause of the GERD is the insufficient production of stomach acid in the body. The explanation says that the valve, the hollow organ with a flap that insure the one-way course of fluid through the organ, once emptied triggers acidity in the intestines. If the valve fails to open, the contents of the stomach will be blended into the esophagus, and then irritation occurs.

Meanwhile, there are already several treatments for GERD today, one of which is the balance and healthy eating habits. Now if proper diet fails to work, one can shift to medication therapy or surgery as suggested by the doctors. Below are the lists of several selections of Acid Reflux treatment:

• Proper Diet: the natural way to cure Acid Reflux is through change in their eating habits. A good number of people affected by GERD found success in following this method. Avoid the food ingredients which can intensify heart burn such as caffeine, soft drinks, and smoking. Avoid eating two hours before sleeping; likewise, avoid lying down after taking meal. These are the regular suggested change in lifestyle.

• Another easy way to treat GERD is to elevate the head of the bed. The pharmacologic therapy, the combination of prevention of food two hours before sleeping and the rise of the head of the bed, there is a great chance for a patient to gain a 95 percent relief. The rise of the head of the bed is suggested to range for only 6 to 8 inches or 20 cm. Using this method the backflow of gastric fluids will be hampered.

• Drug Treatment: Drugs reduce the secretion of the gastric acid, for instance and famotidine and omeprazole lessen the secretion of gastric acid and the Antacids counteract the acid.

• Surgical treatment: the Nissen fundoplication, the standard surgical treatment for Acid Reflux, the medication process will only cover a short period of time. The function of this is to support the sphincter, a spherical bond of muscles that opens and closes to let the food or waste to pass, as well as stop Acid Reflux, and of course restore the hiatal hernia.

Taking Care Of Cats

These days, cats are among the most popular pet you can own. There are several breeds available, with the most popular being Persian and Siamese. Cats are a domesticated animal, with origins dating back some 8,000 years and beyond. Like any other pet that you may own, including dogs, cats cost money to take care of properly.

When you get a cat, you’ll need to think about the costs. You’ll obviously need food, and you’ll also need to plan ahead for vet costs. You’ll also need litter, which can tend to get quite expensive as the years go by. Your cat will need a litter box, food dish, and water dish. You should also invest in some toys as well, such as a scratching post, cat toys, a pet carrier, and a bed. You should also look into getting an ID collar as well, just in case your cat ever gets lost.

Feeding your pet will depend a great deal on his age. Older cats require two small meals or one large meal for the day. Kittens on the other hand, require several feedings a day until they get around the age of 12 weeks. Cats that are between three and six months of age need to be fed three times a day. Canned food can be fed to cats, although any food that has been left out longer than 30 minutes need to be disposed of. Canned food can get expensive fast, and you should always keep in mind that some may need to be thrown away when you buy it. Cats loved canned food, although it doesn’t have any benefits to their dental health like dry food does.

As an alternative plan, you can always leave a supply of dry food out for your pet. When you give your cat dry food, you should always make sure that he has enough water. Dry food costs less than canned food, and it can also help to prevent the buildup of tartar on your cat’s teeth. When you buy dry food, you should always look in terms of health and benefits, and stay away from generic food. Even though generic food may be cheaper, it may not offer the nutrients your pet needs.

If you own a kitten, you should only give you kitten food designed for him. You’ll also need to clean and refill his water dish every day. Even though kittens and adult cats like cow’s milk, you should avoid giving it to them as it can cause diarrhea. Treats are fine on occasion, although too many of them can cause your pet to get fat. Feeding your kitten human food is good on occasion, although you may have to mix it in with his cat food.

By themselves, cats stay fairly clean. Although you don’t have to bathe them that often, you’ll need to give them a brushing at least once a day. Brushing will reduce the risk of hairballs and keep your cat’s coat nice and clean. If you are keeping your cat indoors, you’ll need to have a litter box in an area that is easy for your cat to access. You should always scoop it on a daily basis, and clean it out once a week. Cats don’t like to use dirty litter boxes, they prefer for it to be nice and clean.

Although cats do require some work, they are great pets that will provide you with years and years of companionship. As long as you take care of your cat and take him to the vet for his checkups, he should remain healthy. Even though cats can get sick from time to time – knowing how to care for him will make a world of difference.

Acuvue Advance Contacts

Just like any other contact lens from Acuvue, the Acuvue advance contact lenses offer you plenty of quality and reliability. They are a cut above the rest, offering you excellent quality and comfort for a very affordable price.

The first thing you’ll notice about the Acuvue advance lenses is the addition of Hydroclear, made by Johnson and Johnson. Although other types of Acuvue lenses now offer Hydroclear, the advance lenses were the first. Hydraclear is a break through in contact lens technology, perfect for those who have problems with their lenses drying out. This technology is considered to be among the best - and ideal for anyone who wants the best for their eyes.

Hydraclear is a rich moisture type element that is found throughout the exterior and interior of Acuvue advance contact lenses, helping to give them a soft, silky feel. Once you put a pair of advance lenses in your eyes, you’ll notice the benefits of Hydraclear immediately. It doesn’t dry out like other contact lenses, keeping your eyes refreshed while you wear them.

Acuvue advance contacts also offer you great protection as well. They offer the highest type of UVA blocking and UV ray protection available for contact lenses. You can enjoy wearing these contacts anywhere you go, which is great for those who travel. If you like to go to the beach you can rest assured in knowing that the Acuvue advance lenses will keep your eyes protected from the sun while you enjoy the beauty of the beach.

Acuvue advance contacts are made from a soft yet flexible material, which makes them a breeze to put in your eyes. There shouldn’t any trouble putting them in your eyes, which makes them ideal for anyone who wears contacts. Simply put them in your eyes, and they will automatically conform themselves to your pupils, feeling comfortable from the start.

The advance contact lenses from Acuvue work pretty much the same as other contacts. You need to clean them and soak them in contact solution overnight. They are good up to a month per pair, which makes them ideal for everyday use. They normally come in boxes of 6, meaning that a single pair will last you up to 3 months.

If you wear contacts, you should look into the Acuvue advance. You can buy them online, through your local optician, or anywhere else that sells contacts. They are available in virtually every subscription, which is perfect for anyone who needs a dependable pair of lenses. The Acuvue advance lenses are unlike any other type, for the simple fact that they are very comfortable, dependable - and easy to take care of. Once you give them a try - you’ll never to use any other brand again.

Popular Espresso Coffee Makers

Americans love espresso. They rely on it to help them get going in the morning; keep them going through the day and sometimes through the night as well. Here are a few of the most popular espresso coffee makers.

Braun AromaDeluxe KF510BK 10-cup Coffee Maker

The Braun AromaDeluxe is a fast brewing coffee maker. A Brita water filter removes impurities that can affect coffee taste. The premium Aroma Deluxe features a clock and timer so that users can set the machine to have coffee ready each morning.

Braun Tassimo Coffee-on-Demand 1 cup Coffee Maker

Fast and easy single serving coffee maker also makes latte, cappuccino, café crema, tea, and hot chocolate.

Cuisinart Brew Central DCC-1200W, 12-cup Coffee Maker

The Cuisinart Brew Central Coffee Maker is totally programmable. It contains a built-in water filter and has a 12 cup capacity. There is no built-in grinder. There is a pause and serve function and alerts users when it needs decalcifying.

Cuisinart Grind and Brew DGB-600BCW 10 cup Coffee Maker

This thermal coffee maker grinds beans when needed, resulting in fresher taste with every cup. The thermal carafe is double insulated to keep coffee hot for hours.

DeLonghi BAR32 Retro Espresso Coffee Maker

The DeLonghi Bar32 Retro Espresso Coffee Maker is part of DeLonghi's Retro designer line. The machine is said to be inspired by the 20th Century Art Deco and Bauhaus periods of the 20th Century. This machine does not contain a built-in grinder. It does make multiple cups and has a water tank size of almost 34 ounces.

Jura/Capresso Impressa E8 Espresso Machine and Coffee Maker

The Jura/Capresso Impressa E8 Espresso Machine and coffee maker is a high tech machine capable of producing espresso, cappuccino, lattes and long crema coffee. Settings allow for customized brewing of mild, regular or strong coffee. A grinder is built in, timer and cup warming surface are built in.

Keurig Elite B40 Coffee Maker

The Keurig Elite B40 Coffee Maker is a no-fuss coffee maker. The water reservoir is removable. The machine features single button brewing, the water reservoir is removable and indicator lights let users know if water is heating, if it's necessary to add water, if the machine needs descaling and when it is ready to brew. This coffee maker does not feature a built-in grinder.

Krups XP 2070 Espresso Machine & Coffee Maker

The Krups XP 2070 is a programmable combination espresso machine and drip coffee maker. It features a a 10 cup coffee capacity and a 15 bar pump espresso capacity.

Senseo Single Serve Pod HD7810/75 Coffee Maker

This pod system coffee maker features a patented brewing system that automatically uses just the right amount of water and sends the water through the pod quickly and evenly.

Coffee lovers can choose from a variety of coffee makers. From single cup Senseo styles to ten cup Cuisinart Models, there's a coffee maker for every drinker and every occasion. If all that's desired is coffee, no problem. If specialty coffees are preferred, no problem. Fresh java is just a cup away.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The History of Espresso Coffee Makers

Espresso coffee makers came out of man's need for a faster cup of coffee. Not only did espresso machines produce more coffee faster, they produced a better cup of coffee. The first machines had a few kinks to be worked out but coffee maker inventors didn't let little issues deter them.

Who made the first espresso coffee machine? The answer depends on which records you read. According to some records, Louis Bernard Babaut created the first known espresso coffee maker in 1822 with Edward Santais commercializing and marketing the machine in 1843. It debuted at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1855.

Records say the coffee maker produced one thousand cups of espresso in an hour, using steam to push water through coffee held in a filter. New inventions often carry risk and this espresso coffee maker was no exception. It tended to blow up from time to time. It also had a tendency to occasionally burn the coffee.

The original espresso coffee makers weren't easy to use. Operating them involved some degree of skill and left plenty of room for diversity. The operator controlled the intensity of the heat and the length of time the water valve remained open. Users could put in less coffee grounds and get stronger coffee or use more water and get a diluted result.

Other records credit Luigi Bezzera, a manufacturer, with the invention of Espresso in 1903. Bezzera wanted to make coffee faster. He added pressure to the process and 'voila' the birth of the Fast Coffee Machine. The machine made coffee faster and better than other available methods. Bezzera invented a machine that used the pressure of steam to push water through a fixed filter containing coffee.

While skilled in inventing, Bezzera lacked marketing ability to promote his creation. In 1905, the rights to the espresso machine were purchased by Desidero Pavoni and successfully marketed the invention, changing the way everyone drank coffee. Pavoni sold the coffee makers throughout Europe.

Franceso Illy created what some believe to be the first automatic espresso coffee maker . Invented in 1935, the Illeta used compressed air instead of steam for his machine. This solved the problem of exploding espresso coffee makers and resulted in a more stable result.

Achille's Gaggia invented the espresso coffee maker that bears his name in 1945. His invention used lever action.Modern versions of both Illetta and Gaggia espresso coffee makers are available today.Ernest Valente created an electric rotating pump in 1950. The pump allowed a continuous, even flow of water through the coffee maker.

Illy, still producing espresso, went on to simplify the espresso coffee maker process even more in the 1970's when he introduced a machine that combined the best parts of previous espresso coffee maker methods. His machine used double filters, cost less than other coffee makers and was simple to use.

In the 70's, super automatic espresso coffee makers were born. They are now the norm in many countries. The machines continue to evolve. Debate over which methods and which machines produce the best espresso will continue as long as people continue to enjoy their cup of Joe.

Single Cup Coffee Makers

People love coffee and buy tons of coffee makers each year. The problem with your average coffee maker is that it is usually designed to make ten to twelve cups of coffee per pot. This is fine for the office or maybe a diner but a casual coffee drinker doesn't need all that. With an average coffee maker, if you only drink one or two cups a day, you are wasting between eight and ten cups. That's a lot of coffee! Another thing is if you buy a big can of coffee, it will most likely get stale after a while. These are all good reasons you might want a single cup coffee maker.

Single cup coffee makers are perfect for single people and those that just want a better cup of coffee than a normal coffee pot will allow. A single cup coffee maker gives you a higher quality cup of coffee because it was designed for just that. One premium cup of coffee. Other coffee makers will brew more at a time but they are designed for speed not quality.

Single cup coffee makers are a bit more expensive than multi-cup coffee makers. This is because normally the only coffee you can use in them is sold in "pod" form. This is basically a self contained package that has coffee inside little flat oval shaped filters. If you browse your retail aisles, you should be able to tell easily what sells and what doesn't. This is good to keep in mind so you don't buy a new coffee maker only to have it obsolete and useless in just a few months. There are a few name brands such as Senseo and Mr. Coffee that you can't go wrong with but you should definitely shop around and read some reviews and comparisons before making your purchase.

Each single cup coffee maker tends to be unique. Some will let you change the strength you desire or if you want four or eight ounces of coffee. Some will put foam or froth on top of each cup. There are many different options available to you.

There are many places you can purchase a single cup coffee maker. The most obvious choice is a retail store that has many different types lined up on a shelf. This lets you see what they look like, what they do, and what they offer. Appearance is important because if your entire kitchen has stainless steel appliances, a black plastic pot might not fit the theme of the kitchen. Price is always a factor because if something will do the exact same thing for $50.00 less, you might as well give it a shot and upgrade if necessary.

The only drawback to single cup coffee makers is that they only make one cup at a time. If you have many guests you will have to run back and forth, replace coffee pods, and make individual cups. The guests might appreciate the higher quality, so that is a choice you will have to make.

Manual Drip Coffee Makers

Many people don't really know the difference between automatic and manual drip coffee makers. It's really very simple. An automatic drip coffee maker pours the hot water over the ground coffee for you while a manual drip coffee maker requires that you do it yourself.

Manual drip coffee makers typically come in single cup to twelve cup varieties and basically give you similar results as an automatic drip coffee maker. Many people feel they get a better tasting cup of coffee when they have the ability to pour the water themselves and choose from a variety of filters and filter holders. A good thing about manual drip coffee makers is that they don't use electricity and can be used wherever you happen to go. This makes them a great choice for camping. You can boil water over a fire or portable stove for your coffee.

The main components of manual drip coffee makers are the pot or cup, a filter, and a filter holder. There are more complicated varieties available but for most of them, this is all you will need. First you set your pot or cup on a counter, set the filter holder on top, add a filter and fill it with ground coffee. You boil water on a stove and pour it into the filter. It's pretty easy but if you don't know what you are doing or have the proper pot to boil water in, there is a potential to get scalded. Using a teapot or special pot that has a place for pouring is the best way to go as a saucepan isn't designed for pouring water out.

Every manual drip coffee maker has a special filter and filter holder. The filters can be permanent metal ones or your basic disposable paper ones. Many people like the metal filters because they can be used many times and provide the same water flow each time. Paper filters, though cheaper, can end up costing more in the long run and each brand might let water flow a little differently. The filter holders come in hundreds of varieties but you usually get one with your manual drip coffee maker. If you buy a different one, you run the risk of overflow. Filter holders can be porcelain, plastic, metal, or glass and come in many different sizes.

The manual drip coffee maker pot or cup is an important thing to consider. Do you want to make a single cup or ten cups? A single cup version will take up almost no counter space and is a great choice for people who live alone or in a very small place. The ten to twelve cup versions are great for homes that drink a lot of coffee or for big camping trips. They aren't as big as an electric coffee maker and can be taken apart for easy cleaning and carrying.

The most important part of any coffee maker is the type of coffee you use. Expensive coffee that is freshly ground will taste much better than coffee from a discount store. Try different types of coffee and decide what kind you like the best.

How a Coffee Maker Works

We all wake up in the morning and depend on our old friend to start our day - the coffee maker. The only effort we have to put in when wanting to enjoy a mug of coffee is to add a scoop of coffee, add the required amount of water and turn the machine on. We stand back and wait for our coffee to be ready before we can enjoy it. Think about it, have you ever stood there and tried to understand how the water gets from the compartment to the top of the machine? Have you ever wondered what that gurgling sound was? Here is what goes on inside.

If you open the top of the coffee machine, you will find the bucket that holds the water when you pour it in before the cycle starts. If you look inside, you will find a hole in the bucket's bottom, and this will become clear to you very soon. You also see a tube, and the purpose of this tube is to carry the water to the area where it drips out. The drip area is the part you see from the top that contains all the tiny holes. This is where the water arrives from the tube and then simply drips through the tiny holes.

If you turn the bucket upside down, you will see another tube and this is called the hot-water tube. This tube (tube2) connects to the black tube (tube1) that you see when looking at it from the top. Remember the hole in the bottom of the bucket mentioned earlier? Well, this is where tube2 picks up the cold water - from that hole. Also visible inside are the power cord and the on and off switch of the machine.

Next is the heating element. This little part is what makes the water hot. The heating element is just a simple coiled wire. This is similar to filament in your standard light bulb or the element in your every morning toaster. The coil in the coffee maker is held firmly in plaster, and this makes it rugged. This element has two jobs.

* The heating element (or the coil) boils the water when it is put in the coffee maker.
* The element makes sure the coffee stays warm once the cycle is complete.

The heating element inside the coffee machine is pressed firmly against the warming plate. A heat conducting grease ensures that heat is transferred competently to the warming plate. The conducting grease is messy and is extremely difficult to get off yours hands. This grease can be found in power supplies, amplifiers - basically anything that squanders heat.

There is a part that's not visible in a coffee maker and this is the one-way valve. This valve can either be in that hole that was mentioned earlier or it could be in the heating pipe, and this pipe is aluminum. If a coffee maker had no one-way valve, the hot water would just flow back into the bucket after trying to make its way up the tube.

Electric Coffee Makers

There are many types of coffee maker available on the market today. When most people think of a coffee maker, they think of an electric coffee maker. This means the coffee maker is plugged into an outlet and is powered with electricity. This is the most common way to power your coffee maker because of its simplicity. You just plug it in, add water and coffee, and push start. This is much easier than the older vacuum and stove top coffee makers from years past.

It can be hard to imagine not using an electric coffee maker. Many of us have grown up with them not knowing how hard it was to make coffee long ago. It used to take a lot of time to stand there by the stove and watch your coffee brew and make sure everything was going right. Lucky for us, we just have to push start and wait. The electricity heats the heating element which is in the water container.

The water is heated to a specified temperature and then by gravity or a pump pushes the water over the ground coffee. The result is a nice, easy cup of coffee. This has a great advantage over stove top coffee makers as you don't have to worry about your coffee being too cold or so hot it takes the skin off of your tongue. Electric coffee makers don't use a ton of electricity so you won't even notice a change in your utility bills.

Electric coffee makers come in many different varieties. There is everything from a single cup coffee maker to a restaurant grade coffee maker that produces gallons at a time. By using electricity to heat the water, you are guaranteed the same temperature coffee every single time. Electric coffee makers also allow you to set a time for coffee to be brewed. This is handy for those of us on a tight schedule and don't want to waste time messing with the coffee maker in the morning. Simply set it up the night before and it will start your coffee before you even wake up.

Expensive models come with all sorts of special features. There are some that only brew one cup at a time but use special pods of high quality coffee and might even top them off with foam. Other models can have built in grinders, a storage area for extra coffee and water, or be combination machines that make espresso and cappuccino as well as normal coffee. You have so many options available, you really need to choose the coffee maker that is right for you. If you have a lot of coffee drinkers in your home, you might pick a large one. If you live alone, a single cup maker might be perfect.

You can find electric coffee makers pretty much everywhere. Every store that carries a coffee maker will have 99% electric coffee makers. Occasionally they will have some that don't use electricity, but these are either for professional coffee makers or campers.

Discount Coffee Makers

Some coffee makers can be pretty expensive depending on the brand name and what features it has. There are many models that cost over $200.00 and don't seem to do much more than a normal coffee maker. If you are on a budget or just like to live frugally, you might consider a discount coffee maker. A discount coffee maker usually doesn't have many bells and whistles but for someone who just wants a regular cup of coffee, could be a very cheap option.

Discount coffee makers are usually of the automatic drip variety. You pour your water in, add a coffee filter, then dump in some ground coffee. All that's left to do is turn it on and walk away. Discount coffee makers sometimes come with a timer but sometimes not. A discount coffee maker won't make you espresso or cappuccino and usually have little or no options when it comes to changing the flavor or strength of your coffee. The only way to change the taste is to put in more or less ground coffee.

Just because you decide to buy a discount coffee maker doesn't mean you can't have a good cup of coffee however. If you go to your supermarket, there is usually an aisle dedicated to coffee. In this aisle, you can find all types of different coffee flavors that might appeal to you. Sometimes they will have a large machine where you can pick the type of coffee you want and have it ground to your specifications. By using this fresh ground coffee, it can make even a discount coffee maker produce a very nice and flavorful cup of coffee.

You can find discount coffee makers in a number of places. A large retail store is usually a good bet as they start as low as $15.00 a lot of the time. Supermarkets and coffee specialty stores usually carry coffee makers but not the cheap kind. A great place to find a discount coffee maker is at a thrift store. You can usually find one for $5.00 or so and they work just fine. If the idea of using a second hand coffee maker isn't your thing, you could always try a website. There are many websites that sell coffee makers and often offer you free coffee or other deals. With websites you will need to check around as there are thousands of them.

Before you search for a discount coffee maker, you should know exactly what you are going to use it for as there are many types available. If you are looking to buy one for the workplace, it might be a good idea to get your employees opinion. If they want something fancy, have them all pitch in a few bucks and get something good. If nobody really cares, you might just bring an old one you have in your garage. It is hard to destroy a coffee maker so even the ugliest, dirtiest one can easily be cleaned up and used again and again.

Coffee Vending Machines

As early as the 1960's coffee vending machines started to show up at airports, hotels, and many industrial plants around the world especially in the USA. The first coffee vending machines used all freeze dried ingredients and mixed them with water then added your selected amount of cream and sugar. There wasn't a whole lot of selection. Today, fancy coffee vending machines can make you espresso, cappuccino, hot chocolate, soup, tea, and many variations of coffee.

Coffee vending machines are very useful for many reasons. You don't need an employee to run them, you can put them anywhere, the ingredients aren't too expensive, and they make quite a bit of money in a good location. Coffee vending machines can make from 100 to 600 cups of coffee before you are required to refill the cup dropper. This is what drops the cup down before the coffee or beverage of your choice is dispensed into it. The coffee vending machines usually use one size cup that is around 8 ounces. The cups are recyclable and quality made to simulate a cup you would receive at a coffee shop.

Many new coffee vending machines have a very stylish look as opposed to the big square boxes of the 80's and 90's. They don't take up very much room, produce a high quality product, and can make the owner a nice amount of money every month.

Espresso and cappuccino are becoming more and more popular and thanks to places like Starbucks, more people like them and know what they want to order. Many of the newer coffee vending machines let you pick and choose what type of espresso and cappuccino you want. You can also get lattes and mochas of many varieties.

There are many ways you can purchase a coffee vending machine. Most machines will have a phone number or other information so you can call the manufacturer. The easiest way is to use the Internet. There are tons of companies that sell coffee vending machines and will offer you low payment plans and many other deals that you mind find appealing.

Coffee vending machines are a great way for someone who wants to make a little extra income without doing much work. When used in conjunction with pastry and soda machines, if you have a large amount of coverage, you might not need a full time job at all! This is also great for retired people who want a little extra money each month. Some of the newer machines cost about $1.00 for the ingredients per cup and will make you about $2.50. Of course, wherever you place them will demand a percentage but that can be easy to work out.

Coffee vending machines have been around for over 50 years and chances are they will continue to be refined and upgraded. This ensures the busy employee or traveler that they will always be able to grab a cup of coffee even if there aren't people there to make it.

Coffee Makers in the Workplace

Many people have a coffee maker at work. This is a great idea because it lets employees and managers alike have something in common and lets everyone have a short break from work while they refresh their coffee mugs. Coffee makers are used in office buildings, manufacturing plants, and almost every type of business there is from fast food to convenience stores. The office coffee maker is a place everyone can go and chit chat for a few minutes similar to a water cooler.

The usual office coffee maker is of the automatic drip variety and makes about 12 cups at a time. The funny thing is, 12 cups from a coffee maker means about 5 ounces per cup. Nobody drinks that little so you might as well assume one pot will serve 6 people. For a busy workplace you may need a larger coffee maker to accommodate everyone and might even decide to use a coffee vending machine. If this is owned and operated by the company, they may lower the prices so they don't make much profit. This will be made up with employee morale and productivity so it evens out.

Many people feel better and more alert after drinking coffee so naturally, a coffee maker in the workplace helps everyone. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant and should help them feel that way. If your employee is alert, there is less chance of incomplete work and injuries as they should be paying more attention to the job at hand.

The type of coffee maker for the workplace will need to be discussed among all the coffee drinkers and if a fancy one is needed, everyone should help pay for it. A normal coffee maker costs between 10 to 40 dollars but fancy ones can be 60-90 dollars depending on the features. These higher priced coffee makers usually come with a foamer, grinder, or some other special feature that would cause the price to be so high. You may want to just get two cheaper ones as there is always someone who wants decaffeinated coffee and doesn't like to mix the two types of coffee in one pot.

If you work in a large manufacturing plant or industrial building, chances are you will have to walk a long way to get a cup of coffee. Many of these workplaces use strategically placed break rooms that will have an assortment of vending machines. One of those may be a coffee vending machine or there might be a coffee maker on the counter for employees in your area to use. Make sure you have someone clean it before you clock out or management may take it away. I have seen this happen before.

With espresso and cappuccino becoming very popular, you might have one of these machines in your workplace. They cater to certain people usually but many come with a normal coffee pot on one side. This can help balance out two distinct tastes and make more employees happy.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Where to Find a Coffee Maker

Many people drink coffee every day. They drink it with breakfast, lunch, and even dinner. The workplace introduces many people to coffee as they feel it keeps them awake, alert, and more productive. Coffee makers vary from single cup to multi cup but all generally do one thing. Make coffee. You might wonder where to find a coffee maker that is just right for you. There are many places either near you or on line where you can find a coffee maker.

If you ask most people where to find a coffee maker, they will tell you to go to a local retail store. This is usually a good idea because at a retail store they will usually have entire aisles dedicated to various coffee makers. This helps a great deal as you can compare all the options that the various machines have to offer.

You will find coffee makers that make a single cup, eight cups, or even as many as twelve cups at a time. Some will make even more but you usually have to order those. Coffee makers are available in many different styles and colors so you should be able to find one that will match your other kitchen appliances.

If you want to make the best purchase possible, you might want to read some reviews. The Internet has thousands of places that are dedicated solely to coffee makers. Many of these have very thorough reviews by many different people.

It can be very beneficial to read reviews on coffee makers before you buy them so you know what you are looking for when you go to the store. Nothing can give you a feel for a new coffee maker than knowing what other people's experiences are with that product.

The Internet is also a great place to purchase coffee makers. There are many websites and on line stores that specialize in coffee makers and can give you some amazing deals. A common place to find a run of the mill coffee maker is a site that sells overstocked goods at discounted prices.

There are many of these sites so you can search around and find one you like. You can save up to 75% if you look around carefully. Auction sites can also be a good place to look. Not everything up for auction is used and you can find many deals there. Some websites are promoted by a particular brand and for one price, they will send you a coffee maker and enroll you in some type of coffee club.

This usually is a new coffee every month at a reasonable price. If you want to experiment, that might be a good choice.

The most important factor in buying a coffee maker is you. What do you want your coffee maker to do? How many people will it be serving? How much am I willing to pay?

These are the most important questions you should ask yourself before buying a coffee maker. If you take your time and choose based on your needs, you will find the one you are looking for.

Coffee Makers for Camping

Camping is a great hobby and a fun pastime for many people. It can be very relaxing to get in touch with nature and spend a few days in the desert or woods enjoying nature. You can swim, fish, or just enjoy doing absolutely nothing. Just because you are in the wilderness doesn't mean you can't enjoy a good cup of coffee though. There are many different ways you can brew a cup or a pot of coffee while camping.

There is a large variety of coffee makers that are designed especially for camping. There are small ones that will make just one cup or large ones that will make many cups at once. It all depends on how much you want to pack in with you and how many people are going that will want coffee.

The most common coffee makers for camping are of the manual drip variety as all you do is pour boiling water over your coffee while it sits in a filter. The filter sits in a holder and you just set the holder over your cup or mug. Other varieties might need to be set on a portable stove or set on ashes to boil the water.

There are even some automatic drip coffee makers that have been designed for the camper who really wants that added convenience. These models are quite large and are not for the camper who is going to hike 10 miles for the perfect spot. They also require a camp stove.

Your best method for making coffee while camping would be a manual drip coffee maker that is specifically designed for camping. These come in a large assortment of shapes and sizes but are made to withstand uneven campfire heat. The best ones are made out of stainless steel or another fire resistant metal and have everything built in. They usually look like one coffee pot set upside down on another. You put your ground coffee in a filter in the middle of the unit and water in the bottom. You set it on the fire until you see steam and then you flip it over and set it somewhere cool. The flipping process lets the water slowly drain through the coffee grounds resulting in freshly brewed coffee for everyone.

The filter holder method works well also. You take a filter holder, put in a filter and add your coffee. Set it over your pot or cup and pour in boiling water. This is a great method if you don't need to brew a lot of coffee and don't want to pack around heavy equipment.

If you ask an experienced camper or visit a specialized camping store, you will be able to find out which type of coffee maker might be the best for your next camping trip. There are many to choose from so you can decide on what will be the best for you. Retail stores usually have a camping aisle so you can browse around next time you are doing some shopping there.

Coffee Makers Are Big Business In the U.S.

The average American drinks at least 3 cups of coffee daily. The United States is a leading coffee consumer with Americans drinking an overall 400 million cups of coffee each year. It's no wonder that coffee makers are one of the most sold products. The Cowboy Coffee Pot of the 1800's has evolved into modern, sleek machines that cater to the appetites of eager coffee drinkers.

Coffee is big business. Some reports state that coffee sales are increasing 20 percent every year. Specialty coffee (cappuccino, latte, etc) accounts for at least 8 percent of all coffee sales.

Who's Using Coffee Makers These Days?

The average American is said to drink an average of three cups of coffee daily. The average number of sales in a drive through coffee shop each day is 200 to 300 cups. More than 50,000 coffee shops are expected to be open by 2010.
52 percent of American adults drink coffee. This translates to more than 100 million people drinking coffee every day. That's a lot of coffee makers. Women tend to drink coffee to relax while men tend to drink coffee when they're trying to get something done.

When are the most coffee makers in use? 65% of adults drink coffee with breakfast. 30 percent of Americans drink coffee between meals and about 5% drink coffee with meals. 35 percent of coffee drinkers prefer their coffee black. 65% add sugar and/or cream to customize their coffee experience.

More than 18 billion dollars are on coffee each year in the United States. McDonalds is reported to take in $51 million each day just in coffee sales.

Americans are drinking more and more specialty coffees. Many are purchasing coffee makers that allow them to brew specialty coffees at home. Coffee maker manufacturers have risen to the occasion, creating increasingly sleek styled machines that brew great coffee quickly and easily. Pod coffee makers are used frequently by coffee lovers who want to indulge at home instead of driving to the coffee shop.

Pod Single Cup Coffee Maker

For coffee lovers who prefer a fresh cup of coffee each and every time, a single serving coffee maker is ideal. Basic single serving coffee makers can be purchased for less than a hundred dollars. High end single serving machines can cost hundreds.

Pod coffee makers use premeasured coffee pods to make 8 ounces or less of coffee in less than one minute. There is no hassle. Users simply fill the reservoir with water, drop a pod into the pod spot and push a button.
Some pod coffee makers feature adjustable spouts so that different sized mugs can be used with the machine. Larger water reservoirs are also an added feature on some machines.

Pod Coffee Makers quickly and easily brew a cup of coffee in less than a minute. Prefilled pods make cleanup a breeze. Removable parts are often dishwasher safe and limited warranties are provided by most manufacturers.

Coffee is an American tradition. Those who love the beverage take their coffee drinking seriously. The availability of coffee makers that allow users to make specialty coffee at home has tremendously increased the coffee drinking population.

Coffee Maker Style Guide

According to some statistics, 52 percent of Americans are coffee drinkers. This translates to more than 100 million people who drink coffee daily. Americans are a diverse population and far from unanimously agreeing on what makes a good cup of coffee. Fortunately, there are several different styles of coffee makers available today.

Coffee lovers can choose the brewing machine that fits their preferences. Common coffee maker styles include Automatic Drip, Automatic Espresso, French Press, Percolator, Stovetop Espresso, and Vacuum style. Each has its own pros and cons and gives the user varying control over the end result.

Automatic Drip Coffee Maker

Automatic drip coffee makers are probably the most popular choice for Americans. They are easy to use and are inexpensive to purchase. Most operate on the same principle. Inside the coffee pot is a filter basket where a paper filter holds the coffee grounds. Cold water is poured into the reservoir where it is heated before being poured over the grounds. The resulting coffee flows into a carafe. The brewed coffee is kept warm by the hot surface beneath the carafe.

Those who don't like to use automatic drip coffee makers complain that they do not make a good cup of coffee. Keeping the coffee maker and carafe clean, using quality coffee and disposable paper filters will help ensure a better result.

Automatic Espresso Coffee Maker

Automatic espresso coffee makers come in semi-automatic, fully automatic and super automatic versions. Semi-automatic models tamp the coffee grounds, brew the coffee, fill the cup and eject grounds. Fully automatic models also grind the coffee. Super models offer a wide variety of features, including built in water filters.

French Press Coffee Maker

French Press coffee makers are also known as press pots or plunger pots. The pot is a glass or porcelain cylinder which contains a stainless, mesh plunger that works as a filter.

The user measures coffee grounds into the pot and adds nearly boiling water. The plunger is put in place but not pushed until the coffee has steeped a few minutes. After steeping, the plunger is pushed and the coffee is ready.

There is no hot surface to maintain coffee temperature so the coffee must be served immediately or placed into a thermal carafe of some sort.

Percolator Coffee Maker

Percolator coffee makers are available in stove top styles and in electric styles. Most modern ones are both electric and can be programmed. Some models make only one cup of coffee, others can make 12 cups at a time. The large coffee urns used by many organizations work on the percolation principle but brew more than 100 cups of coffee at a time.

Percolator coffee makers are not used as often as they used to be. These machines continuously run the water over the grounds and the water is boiled. Many coffee lovers claim that both actions violate the laws of making good coffee.

Coffee made via percolator tends to be stronger and often bitter tasting than coffee made with other brewing methods.

Stovetop Espresso Coffee Maker

Stovetop espresso coffee makers are simple to use and can be made anywhere there is heat, whether on a stove or over a campfire. Water is put inside the bottom boiler. The funnel filter is then placed in the boiler and filled with coffee. The top is screwed on lightly and the unit is placed over the heat source.

Once the top of the boiler is filled with brewed coffee, the coffee maker is removed from the heat source and the coffee is served.

Vacuum Coffee Maker

Vacuum coffee makers look more like chemistry lab equipment than coffee machines. This type consists of two overlapped containers that are connected by a syphon tube. There is a filter in the bottom of the upper container.

The user places water in the lower container and coffee grounds in the upper container. The machine is then put on top of the stove where the heated water vaporizes and passes through the syphon tube into the upper container.

A brewing cycle lasts approximately three minutes. When the unit is removed from heat, the vapor turns back to water and is forced through the filter and back into the lower container. Farberware created the first automatic vacuum coffee maker model while Sunbeam made the first truly automatic modern one.

There are few companies making vacuum coffee makers these days. Antique stores and auction sites such as eBay carry the traditional Silex and Sunbeam machines.

Coffee lovers can choose from a wide variety of coffee makers. From inexpensive stove top coffee pots to high end super automated coffee makers, there's a coffee maker for every preference as well as every budget.

Coffee Maker Glossary

Coffee has a language all its own. Here are a few of the frequently used coffee maker terms.

Auto Frother: device that automatically froths milk for cappuccinos and lattes.

Automatic Drip Coffee Maker: machine that automatically heats water and filters it through the coffee.

Automatic Espresso Machine and Coffee Maker: an espresso machine featuring controllable, programmable coffee dosing.

Bean to Cup: fully automated coffee making process. Machines with bean to cup capability do everything from grinding the beans to filling a cup with coffee.

Boiler: steam machine inside coffee maker. Machines with larger boilers usually are more powerful and produce more hot water for beverages.

Boiler Element: electric element that heats boiler in electric espresso coffee makers.

Cappuccino: Italian espresso based beverage.

Cup Warmer: metal portion at top of espresso coffee maker where cups are placed for warming.

Dosing: refers to either the number of grams of coffee per cup or the amount of brewed coffee per cup.

Drip Tray: Part of espresso coffee maker where coffee cup sits for filling.

Espresso: Italian black coffee which preceded specialty coffees. Rich black coffee.

Filter Basket: Metal filter where grounds are placed for brewing.

Filtered Method: process of brewing coffee with a filter, coffee is separate from the water.

French Press: aka plunger pot. A cylindrical coffee maker in which ground coffee is steeped then filtered. Coffee grounds are pushed to the bottom of the pot with the plunger. Coffee stays in the top of the pot.

Fully Automatic Espresso Machine and Coffee Maker: machines which automatically manage the brewing process from coffee bean to fresh cup of coffee.

Grind: process of preparing coffee beans for coffee brewing.

Group: Portion of espresso coffee maker that brews coffee.

Group Handle: Portion of espresso coffee maker that holds the filter basket that ground coffee goes into.

Heat Exchanger: heats water for coffee without taking water from the boiler.

Hopper: portion of grinder that holds coffee beans.
French Press coffee maker:

Knock-out Box: container used to knock the used coffee grounds from group handle.

Latte: Hot beverage made with one quarter coffee, three quarters of steamed, hot milk with little froth.

Mocha: term used to describe hot beverage made from espresso, chocolate and milk.

Moka Pot: Classic Italian espresso-maker used on top of the stove.

Percolator: coffee maker that continuously runs water through the coffee grounds to make coffee.

Pod: a self-contained, single serving unit of ready to use coffee.

Pour/Pour Speed/Pour Time: the amount of time required to pour coffee from group into cup. Should be 25 to 30 seconds for espresso.

Pump: device that moves water through the coffee maker.

Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine and Coffee Maker: machine without pre-set dosing capability.

Steam Arm/Wand: metal tube delivering steam to froth milk.

Super Automatic Espresso Machine and Coffee Maker: machine which automatically manages brewing process from coffee bean to fresh cup of coffee in addition to other features such as a water filter.

Tamping: act of pressing ground coffee into filter basket.

Vacuum coffee maker: machine using vacuum process to make coffee.

Traditional espresso coffee maker: machine that is not a bean to cup automated model.

Water Filter: filters contaminants from water for better coffee taste.

Water Font: nozzle used to dispense water from machine boiler.

Water Softener: filters lime and minerals from water, preventing build up of scales in the coffee maker. This is a must have for anyone using hard water.